Thursday, March 14, 2013

Like Bliss, Like Sun.

There is nothing like dressing up, putting on your boots, and spending time outside in the sun with such a talented photographer snapping pictures of you. I mean, you're out in the wide, wide open with the wind blowing only slightly, the sun shining down on you, it's your March spring break and it was snowing only just yesterday, but today's a new day and that's good enough for me.
See, pure joy!

Speaking of joy, I'm still on that whole living-by-the-moment journey and I think I'm becoming much better at it. I mean, you stop making so many plans, you stop trying to live to a calendar, you wake up, you breathe, you go with the flow. You smile at the little things in life. You take a leap at the unknown.  You learn to balance responsibility with fun. You screw up, you try again, you succeed. That's life for you, right there.

So that's what I've been doing this spring break. Going with the flow. Enjoying my break to the fullest, getting homework done, doing stuff at the spur of the moment. Like, say Sunday. Going hiking with a a great group of girls and my 12-year-old Grant. Getting muddy, witnessing a classical-Adrianne-fall in the creek, having deep conversations with the girls. Or on Tuesday, making a last minute appointment with Serendipity Hair Saloon, going all out on the drastic new hairstyle route, meeting up with the Riggins girls for coffee, trying a haystack frappuccino (best thing ever!), matchmaking like Jane Austin's Emma, and then driving to the lake for a photo shoot. And then ending the day off with watching The Lord of the Rings with our neighbors. I don't think last-minute plans could get any better than that. :)

Yea, I'm happy. I'm happy right where I am in this stage of life. I'm so grateful for the great bunch of edifying friends I have, for the great time of fellowship I get every week (in college or during break). I'm excited about what God's going to show me as he slowly takes me further along my life's journey. I can almost visibly feel him molding me into a Proverbs 31 sort of woman and I'm so excited to see the end result (although that will be never but it's exciting watching the process!). Of course there's bumps, there's times when I fall down and get huge black and blues, literally!, but it'll all be worth it in the end.
Strength and honor are her clothing;
She shall rejoice in time to come.
She opens her mouth with wisdom,
And on her tongue is the law of kindness.
Charm is deceitful and beauty is passing,
But a woman who fears the Lord, she shall be praised.
Give her of the fruit of her hands,
And let her own works praise her in the gates.
Proverbs 31:25-26, 30-31