Tuesday, August 19, 2008


So this is how it goes. Raquel arrives at school and we all scream Happy Birthday!! ...while Zoe tells her something extremely random instead of wishing her. hahah. :P

Mm, I totally set a record and was the very first one to wish her on her real birthday not like one day in advance. I set a reminder, went to sleep, and at 12 exactly.. SMSed her. I already wrote the SMS so I just had to send it. hahah. Funny thing, I don't even remember sending it! I had proof in the morning cause she replied. x)

Yeahpp, so after who knows how many times we wished her.. she was writing the date and she suddenly went, "ehh, what's the date ahh?" And not like perasan way or anything. It was classic. She suddenly went, "omg, how blur can I get!" Now that is Raquel! (:

Who knows, she was just so hyper today. It was absolutely entertaining watching Grace, Zoe, and Raquel jumping up and down the center taking pictures. I was acting a bit mature and made the boys bring me Mackers back to the center to eat. While they were walking, the hyper girls went to the park and I stayed down talking with Isaac. Then when the girls chilled down we sat talking and starving to death as the boys took ages getting lunch.

On the phone with Weeyen:
Grace Can you stop talking cool! People are starving back here!
Hazel Tell him..
Grace ooh, and Hazel says hurry up, she's getting gastric.
hahahahah. xP

'Nways, I'm really straying off the subject. Raquel just turned 12! =) Woo! Whatcha great number. Although 14 is a better number lahh. hahaha. Hmm, I just have to state, she is the greatest friend one could ever wish for. Thanks for being there when I was alone, emo, or just there to be hyper with! She's always the one to come up with Zoe when I'm not going for lunch with a "Hurry up Hazel, you need to eat lunch!" Or when I'm sitting alone for no particular reason - it is okay to be alone ya know - she'll come and join me. She just excepted me so fast into GRC when I first joined and after 3 months only, we headed off the Camerons together and already started talking about boys. hahah. Girls click man!

Just wanna say, YOU ROCK GIRL. Love you bunches and bunches.
And more than that. =D

   Awesome four! Love you guys! (:

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