Monday, June 14, 2010

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My holiday has been the definition of boring, but I'm still glad for the break. All I've been doing is staying at home and working. Seriously, I need an outing. Who's willing to arrange? :)

The World Cup started last Friday, and it's gotten me all hyped up. USA all the wayy. ♥ I am a loyal person. HAHA. Random note: did you know that the players exchange their SWEATY shirts at the end of the game? I think that extremely disgusting, but cool in a way.

On Saturday, my sister woke me up at 1am when the game starts only at 2.30am. :O I was so tempted just to stay in bed. Anyhow, the game was crazy intense. AND I'M SO GLAD THEY TIED. Better than England winning.

Jo is going to bake on Wednesday. I have great pity on the cookies that will most probably burn in the oven. :P

If this blog post was an essay I had to write for an English paper, I'd probably get comments from my English teacher such as, "Lack of clarity, conciseness, coherence, unity and logic. Badly written." Like I care. This is only being published for the sake of keeping my blog updated. Happy, jo? :)

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