Friday, May 20, 2011

Closing the Chapter

Bittersweet. They call fifteen bittersweet before you turn sweet sixteen. Why - I'm not sure. Fifteen wasn't bittersweet. Instead, what I'm feeling now, at the age of 16 (stop counting my years when I haven't reached them) is truly bittersweet. Maybe it should be reversed: sweet 15s and bittersweet 16s.

Freedom? Not really, actually. Finishing high school doesn't leave you with miles of what is known as freedom. Instead, you get thrown into the world of college: away from home, staying on your own, balancing school and work, saving every penny, worrying about what's next. No, definitely not freedom.

Confidence? Yes. Maybe not freedom, but definitely that sense of accomplishment. Like, "YES! I actually did it!" and "I'm going to college!" And that feeling, however small, that you'll make it through the next chapter of your life.

And finally, memories. The funny, the happy, the lessons learned, the tears shed. Definitely the people you met. Hopefully the impact you made. I could go on and on, but basically it's summed up in this: I love you all so very much, and thank you for all the precious memories you've given me.

Time to flip the page, however much I want to linger on the last paragraph, and close the chapter.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nice site, nice and easy on the eyes and great content too.