Tuesday, November 27, 2007

the blues

when I talk about the blues, I'm talking about being sad. Well, usually. It could mean I love the color blue. In fact, I do.

this 'blue' which I'm talking about is both. Because firstly, I am sad. And secondly, I love blue. So that's why my title is plural. Get it? I know I'm extremely lame. (=

So first of all, why am I sad. I use the word 'sad' not 'emo' cause I'm not that emo. It's just that I'm dissappointed. And missing everyone. Disappointed about what? that MSN doesn't work and that I can't chat with Paullyn. I mean seriously. I'm not joking. The reason why is cause I'm in my mom's office and the version of MSN that they have is extremely old. So when I tried saying 'heyyy' it didn't go through.

Yea, and I miss everybody a lot. Especially the 'gang' I hang out with. Like Sarah, Shabeta, Beeps, Paullyn, Isaac, Tommy, Roberts, Kelvin. And everyone else. Staying at home all day or in my mom's office is dead boring. Good thing I'll see you all soon. *bigsmiles*

I miss the huggies too. ahahaha.

(oh yea! I'm into MSN finally!)

And lastly, the color blue. It so rocks. I mean right, I was like going crazy about it a few days ago. I was telling my sis that you should make this and that blue. Blue totally rocks!

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