Friday, December 28, 2007

airplanes again

My time in Cambodia is coming to an end. Tomorrow I shall have a very long day. Let's not think about that. I bet I'll get this superb headache while I'm trying to function tomorrow.

Actually, I have mixed feelings about whether I really wanna go home or not. I'm gonna miss my time in Cambodia and Silas and Cassia. cutie pies they both are. I'm really glad to get back home too. Firstly, fast internet, more pictures. Just being back home. Getting back to a daily school life. I can hardly wait!! And a phone? woot.

Yea. So don't try looking for me online tomorrow. I shall arrive in Malaysia really late so don't try calling either. And see you all when school starts. I shall post pictures of Cambodia when I get back. With the fast internet. woops.

Byess for now.

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