Sunday, March 23, 2008

Because He lives!

oh oh! Easter Sunday! It just ain't dawning on me.
I mean, gawk, 2000 (yes. 3 zeros.) years ago Christ died and today rose again!
eh eh. Isn't that suppose to be a happy thing?
Gosh, image if he didn't rise. And just continued being dead.
We Christians would be considered the most pitiful thing on earth.
That would be sad.

Okay. See! I do sound like the most pitiful thing on earth.
But he lives! He's alive and living. =D

'Nways.. your guys all did fabulous in the drama. EXcluding me. haha. kidding. =) Yea.. and Israelites rock right? Especially the girls. hahaa.

heh. That's what girls are for.
Yea, the civilized ones who eat quietly sitting down at a table. =P
As Paul Mae would say: ISH!
I didn't make up the stuff about us civilized peps. Sarah did!

okie. taggeth time.
Since both Zoe and Shabeta tagged me, I shall have to choose one.
So sorry Shab, I'll do Zoe this time. Since she tagged me first. =]

List out 5 presents you wish for :
-my own handphone (it's very suckish sharing one)
-a laptop
-pen drive
-and um.. it's a secret

The person who tagged you :
Zoe Tai

Your first five impressions of her:
- I thought she and Rachel were two really close friends. hahaa. They were both in the testing room when I arrived and seemed to be really close.
- quiet
- shy
- Since she was new too, we just kinda followed each other around without saying anything.
- thoughtful? sorry, i kinda ran out of ideas..

The most memorable thing she has done/given to you :
Who cares about presents, she's one of the best I've ever had! Yeap, just friendship itself. You rock Zoe!

Memories/the most memorable thing she has said to you :
awww. Saying I rock? hahaa.

If she becomes your lover, you two will :
ahem. She'll never become my lover. LOL.

If she becomes your enemy, the reason will be because :
I just can't and won't image her as my enemy. That would rather be impossible. But, say it does happen in like 120 years from now (haha!) it'll probably because she hates my (other) siblings or close friends. Even still, I won't hate her riight. You know I'm a very good person, yes Zoe?

Five people you want to tag :
-Bee bee

teehee. And I didn't do the last part. It's so nonsense-ish.


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