Thursday, June 26, 2008

rewinding those archives

1. What was your second post in June the first year you blogged?
June, Year 2007

Something about watching the toilet and cooking and all. Wasn't much of a blogger then. hahaa!
"And best of all, children. It’s one of my favorite “hobbies”. I love taking care of them! Especially the young ones like 1 to 4 years old. They’re so fun at that age! It’s when they’re learning how to speak. So they get confused and you can hardly understand them! It’s so cute! I love babysitting and I once even took a course on first aid training so I’m all ready if they get hurt! Haha!"
2. What was the thing on your mind the most in August the first year you started blogging?
August, Year 2007

hms, appreciation. It's filled with it. :D

3. What were the things you had on your blog during December the first year you started blogging? (for example icons, chatboxes, what kind of links you had on your page)
December, Year 2007

Let's think. I had that "So you would come template" and music, welcome, poll (right?), links, cbox, picture of the day...

4. Randomly pick a post in February (from any year)
February 12, Year 2008
"I'm wishing for cuddly hugs and babies in my arms.
For colorful lollipops and Cheesy Charlie.
I'm wishing for the sound of ocean waves against rocky shores.
For blinking lighthouse lights and rolling hills.
I'm wishing for good nights' sleep and dreams come true.
For bluebirds songs and turkey's music.
I'm wishing for snow knee high deep and sled rides.
For Christmas trees all year round.
I'm wishing for wreaths till February 1st.
For stuffing and cranberry sauce.
I'm wishing for Twisters and gummy worms.
For Excaliburs and Galaxies.
I'm wishing that it never ended.
I'm wishing for you.."
Somehow, just love this post! =)

5. Weirdest comment left at your blog post /blog's guestbook /cbox
From FartMaster (...?)

"You so talented... wanna be my gf? LOLOL. Why you so popular wan?"
Yep, I was like.. WHAT! hahaa. Found it was Zoe's friend, a girl. =P

6. What colors has your blog used as a background?

-Light Blue
-Light Green
mhm.. can't remember. Change my blogskin too often!

7. Most interesting Valentine's post?
February 14, Year 2008
(sorry, only spent one February so far blogging!)
The last Valentine's Day I remembered was in Maine. In schools is America you give a Valentine's card to every classmate. We make little mail boxes then you go around dropping in your Valentine's. And it's candy collecting time too. You get so much candy it'll last you a year. =) How cool is that? And we went on a field trip. Ice skating. oh fun. I miss you!
8. What is the one thing you realize that has been consistent in your blog posts until now?

hmm.. (?)

9. Who do you tag to do this blog?

Melissa Yeap! The only one Miss Cath didn't already tag. ahahas!

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