Friday, September 26, 2008

look deep.

I have made an interesting observation. I'm serious, it's melting me.


Want to know what I look at when I'm defining hot guys from the okay average ones? the eyes. I'm TOTALLY serious. Was telling my sis that Zac Efron isn't that hot cause his eyes are sunk in, and it's his eyes that effect his face. And then, some boys are handsome just because of their eyes. Boy's eyes can be so deep and brown, and omg, melt a girls heart. ahaha. William Moseley ~ (:

Not only boys. Ever seen a puppy look up at you with the biggest brown eyes that totally melt you, and you have to let it lick you, and you have to pick it up? Yeap, I'm so capable of falling for them. :)

Fine, eyes don't only make me melt. They tell so much about the owner of those eyes. You can tell whether the person is being truthful if you look straight into the eyes. Looking into the eyes is like looking into the heart. You can see the character inside, the feelings, the mood. Anger, sadness, happiness, excitedness... it all can be seen inside the eye.

When I was young, I couldn't draw a person properly enough to satisfy me, because I could never get the eyes correct. They were either too small, slanted, crooked, not looking like an eye. And the eyes always affect the entire face. That's why, I decided to stick with stick figures and smiley faces. :P

Sure, all the parts of the body are amazingly created and all have different purposes and all. God is an amazing creater. But to me, I like the eyes, they tell so much about the owner of them. :D

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