Thursday, January 8, 2009

go ahead and try.

..see whether I care.
You guys always always come up with really friggin' dum-dum conclusions. Like I care. Think whatever, cause I know what's true. Only that matters.
Anyhows, the dreaded second farewell post. Sighs sighs. =\
Dear darhling Melissa,
I'll miss that smile the most. The positive side of anything and everything. You're encouraging words when anyone is down. I'll miss camwhoring, and chatting on MSN, doing Math with you on the floor in the corner, wakaka. (: You rock, definitely, totally, them smellin' socks off. :P I'll miss you billions and millions more. Always be thyself, can? Loves! Muax.

Dear Megan,
Can't believe that's the only pic I have with you. D: Anyway, I'll miss your hi's in the morning and on MSN. You never fail to pop up with a conversation when I'm online. Well, I'll still get those when you're in Australia, heh. :P Kepp rockin'. Love youu. :)

Oh, and Brian. All I know is that you are an adorable junior, and very well behaved. I'm sure you've got your greatness as well. Oh, and super high potential for Mr. Handsome when you grow up. Muahah. :P

Hope you guys have a great and safe trip over to wonderland and hateland at the same time. ;) I love Australia cause it's closest to America, other than England. Hate it cause it stole my Zoe. D: Sorry I can't send you off, it's a bit too late, and I'll probably fall asleep.
hazelchazel™ says:
haiyooo, I miss youu so much zoeee. D:
hazelchazel™ says:
school is SO not school without you
zoƫ says:
i miss you toooo.

You won't get me. No one will. Cause without Zoe, it's almost like half of myself is missing. Cause now, when I got theory or something, must explainto my peers. Zoe and I... would just get it without explaining. :) We'll just read each other's mind. And with a bit of no-sense numbers.

;and no one will ever replace you. and youuu, Jon. :)

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