Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Reality Check

You know the song Count Your Blessings? Well I do that often. Especially when I'm all boggled down with the things that make life not so great and then I realize, well hey. I've got it a whole lot better than a lot of people.

So I'm carrying my fairly large pile of dishes (that accumulated in a matter of two full days) into the bathroom and I look at myself in the mirror and its like instant self-pity. Because here I am, red nosed, coughing and sputtering like no one's business, the amount of snout coming out of my nose enough to wash all my dishes (if, for some reason, you would want to wash dishes with snout). And then that song instantaneously pops into my head. Count your blessings, name them one by one. Count your blessings, see what God has done.

And so I began to count them.

What a blessing it is that I'm already clad in my sweats at 11am in the morning and can spend the entire rest of the day inside my warm dorm room, catching up on homework.

What a blessing it is that my work allows us to find subs when we're too sick or busy to come in and work with the precious children.

What a blessing it is that I have a computer, internet, and resources to do my homework.

What a blessing it is that if I were really dying, someone would come rescue me and nurse me back to health because I know so many loving mothers that treat me like their own.

What a blessing that I really am not dying, that I only have a cold, and that I can still focus and think, go to classes, and finish this semester off.

What a blessing that there are only a little more than 2 more weeks till the semester is over!

So many blessings. :)

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