Monday, July 30, 2007

bringing memories back....

(I know I blogged this picture before, but I never told you about it)

The snow in Maine is always very plentiful and very often when it's snowing I have to wrap myself up and go outside to sweep of the falling snow from my front doorsteps in order so that when it freezes, there will be no ice on the steps.
But once it's stops snowing, I get the delight of playing in the snow, while my parents shovel out the driveway. Sometimes, a friend with a snow plow will come and scoop the snow into a big pile at the side of the driveway and my sister and I will delightfully make a snow house inside the pile.

See the snow pile? My sister is dreaming while we take a break before going back to our work.

We use an ice chipper and carve out steps in the snow pile. I make a pillow for myself when we pretend sleep. My dad would help us make shelves where we store our imaginary food. During meals, we actually eat. One of us will march over to a fresh batch of snow and help ourselves. We sometimes even bring some syrup along and pour it on the snow before eating it. It's so delicious!

The best part, though, is when you're all finished playing. You're cold and numb and come dripping into the warm kitchen and drink hot chocolate! Yum! And sometimes some hot scones with sugar frosting. Oh my gosh, my stomach is rumbling....

Wishing for snow...that's what it says on my fake fireplace in my apartment. I painted this piece of foam with the words, "wishing for snow". The "fire" is burning merrily, the dog warming himself on the rug, a spark flies up and sizzles. When I stare into the "fire", memories come back....

...Wishing For Snow...

Yep, I am

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