Monday, September 24, 2007

Bubble Yum?

The trend these days is bubble gum! I just bought some. I’m chewing some. Joyce and Grace Kam have 100 pieces. More like had. We ate almost all of them! Hehe…

When you put gum into your mouth it’s tasty and chewy and soft. But the more you chew it the less tasty it gets. The harder it becomes. Till you feel like your just chewing on a piece of rubber. Eventually, you spit it out. You’re tired of chewing that piece of gum and just biting it over and over again for no reason at all.

Sometimes the problems in life feel like a piece of gum. When we first get that problem it’s fresh. But the more you think about it, the more you chew on it, the harder and less tasty it becomes. And sometimes you get so tired of thinking about it cause it’s not tasty any longer. You’re tired of having that problem with you. You just want to get rid of it. You just want to spit it out and forget it.

But isn’t chewing gum sticky? As hard as you try to get rid of that problem it just keeps on sticking to you. And you can’t forget it. You just keep on remembering it.

Maybe that’s what I’ve been doing. I’m chewing on the problems of life till it gets me so dull. I want to forget but the problem just sticks forever. And I can’t do anything about it. And continually the “swoosh, swoosh” sound continues in my mind as I continue to chew, and chew, and chew.

Maybe I’ll continue to chew for a very long time or maybe I’ll be able to get rid of the gum. But all I know is that I don’t want anyone to join me in the task of bubble gum. So don’t get tempted to chew some of your problems with me. Because I’m gonna get rid of that bubble gum of my problems soon. And it’s never gonna stick to me again…

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