Thursday, December 20, 2007

why can't little people do big things too?

Whenever my sis and I do something a 3 year old cannot do, Silas always ask, "Why can't I do that?" And the normal reply is, "Only big people can do that."

The point is: Big people do big things. Little people do little things. Wrong!!

Little people can do big things.

Guess how I learned about this? VeggieTales!! I watched it in the afternoon yesterday. And it was so super duper funness. I mean seriously. It was all about God Made You Special and there was this story about Dave and the Big Green Pickle (David and Goliath). And Junior (who was Dave) had to stay back and watch sheep cause he was too small. And then he sang that song. The one that goes, "Why can't little people do big things too?" (P.S. I love that song!)

Then the song that David sings to King Saul:

Junior (Dave): They're big, I'm little
They go, I twiddle
Why can't little guys do big things too?

You're big! I'm little.
My head only comes to your middle
But I say little guys can do big things too!

Archibald (King Saul): Yes, but Goliath, he's ...

Junior: He's big! But God's bigger!
And when I think of Him, that's when I figure
With His help, little guys can do big things too!

Yep. With his help little guys can do big things too!
Okie. VeggieTales section over. ahaha.

Back to reality. hmm, yesterday I really wanted to go online. However, I didn't have the chance. Sad... Oh wells, I am on now.

Forth Day (Dec 19)

In the morning we went on another tutuk to a rubber plantation. It was really fun. The driver was really friendly and we stopped at several different places on our way to the plantation. At the plantation itself, there were lots of rubber seeds. I collected tons.

Fifth Day (Yesterday)

Hmm, what did I do yesterday again? Morning: I played and played and played. LOL. I am still a child for your infomation. Afternoon: watched VeggieTales. ehehe. Evening: went biking again. I shall tell you face to face what happen then. Just ask!! lol.

Okie. Enough for today. Byess!! And.. I really miss you guys.

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