Wednesday, March 5, 2008

But I guess it doesn't matter anymore...

Shabeta's in the house! =D
Well not anymore, but she was. hahaa.
Yea. We had a blast talking, watching movies, and just acting like girls.
And the worst was that I didn't know she was coming till she was at the door.
Sisters these days. tsk.

I don't enjoy vacation. You think too much in your spare time. =/
I wish I wouldn't. I wish I could enjoy my day.
And when people ask me about you, I can only reply, "I dunno."
'Cause I don't even know you anymore.
We're complete strangers.
I thought it was just a short thing that would go away,
but it's been 2 months already.
I've lost almost all hope.
There's only a small flicker out of the big flame that used to exist.
And if you don't do anything about it, I'm not going to either.
I'd rather let it die then flicker on and off.
But one thing I know, that even if you go, I'll never ever forget.
Nothing can ever eraser that memory except friendship again.

I wish things could change.
Memories taunt me these days.
All I can do is hide my feelings inside.
ooh! I want a hug.from you

Memories last forever
Sometimes I wish they didn't.

and for your information, Robert's blog is under construction so don't bug him about it. hahaa! You never know him, he might of just messed it up sometime during the middle of the night because he was bored. Just like his room. He is so not predictable. =/

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