Sunday, April 12, 2009

repeat steps 1. 2. 3.

Salut! I'm to think in French, according to my teacher. And currently I'm scratching my head doing my French homework. Thus, think French! :D

Well, its Resurrection Sunday today, and it may seem like a regular routine for those of you have celebrated Easter ever since your first April - like me - but amazingly, I learned something more today. Ready?

When the Roman soldier slashed Jesus in his side just to make sure he was dead, a combination of blood and water flowed out. Only years later did they realize the significance of that. Apparently, after death, blood congeals and urine flow out of its own accord, because the muscles no long contract to hold it in. In Jesus' case, the blood and urine were still in their living state - Jesus was not yet clinically dead.

That means, basically, that Jesus' heart exploded. To the point, he died of a broken heart. Not because of the physical pain, but because of the spiritual pain. For the first time, Father, Son, and Spirit was separated.
"Father, why have you forsaken me?"

 Every time I think Jesus dying for me, I get convicted. And I really don't want this to become a routine for me, a taken for granted favor. I've grown up my whole life knowing this awesome God, but he never fails to teach me more and make me breathless. (:

And even God never does anymore for me, don't you think he has done enough? But, he still loves me moree than that, and he's still done a million other things that I should be thankful for.

So today, I encourage you to take a moment to remember everything He's done for you. And never fail to be grateful. You don't deserve any of it.

The good thing is, Jesus didn't stay in the grave forever! It just makes the story more amazing. Of course God loved his Son so much, he didn't make him suffer that long. So,
Happy Resurrection Sunday (:
Cause He is alive! ~

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