Saturday, May 23, 2009

take a breath.

I'm shaking all over with weakness, and I'm not exaggerating. I'm quite sure I'm over exerting myself, thus I'm taking a little break. I haven't blogged since last Sunday, which is quite an accomplishment. Its been a busy week.

I've been working on Camp Tees the whole entire week and just now, I had to redo the whole design just to make the resolution higher. Its quite frustrating, but I'm finished. :D My mom says when I feel weak ( I felt weak on Tuesday as well) I should eat sugar or maybe I don't have enough oxygen?

WHAT? I am breathing.
*takes a deep breath and exhales*

So let's hope its the sugar reason. Thus, I can have a sugar rush and eat candy in school for the reason of feeling faint if I don't. muahah.

I miss Zoe and Matthew extreme.  Just received a letter in the mail from Zoe on Monday, it was so awesomely exciting. Now, we are writing the longest emails to each other. Private stuff, straight from the heart, and its so nice to ramble to each other. :) I'll probably email Melissa sooon, when I have the time.

I need to continue my art piece and crocheting, plus I really want to go work out in my beloved pool, j'aime beaucoup fait de la natation. :D Plus, I need to review my French, cause I have this feeling a pop quiz will pop up or something and I'll do badly.

Well well, I need to finish writing my Language Arts speech and finish writing notes and the last Self Test for my evil Science 903. Its so freaking hard okay. And I need to review it really well so I don't fail like everyone does. Oh evil sedimentary, igneous, metaphoric rocks as well as continental shelves and volcanoes. Ugh.

Charmaine, thanks for feeling me. haha! :P

Well, birthday wishes before I carried away yea. :)

Gilbert Tan (May 13th) - Thanks for being a great and irritating friend, but we definitely miss your presence in school. Haha, okay not really but.. :P

Fai (May 15th) - We miss your cuteness. hahaha. Like how you can never say "hi" to me, loool. And you in chapel practice strumming your bass. :)

Uncle Kevin (May 16th) -
We really miss youu okay. :) Thanks for being such a great role-model.

Brenda Cher (May 19th) - For being a friend even if we don't see each other often and stuff.

Lydia Chech (May 22nd) -
Color coded sisters.

Wakaka. :)

Pictures about how awesomely crazy her day was will be up soon. :D Keep tuned, cause you'll see how she will look like when she's an aunty. :P

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