Saturday, June 6, 2009

I finally feel like me again.

I am sooo happy, I could burst! I finally get to see my adorable, awesome, amazing, beautiful, mei mei after 8 months! :D :D

My darling Zoe is coming back!

No one can ever compare to her. She is just soo rad and when she's around, I feel like the real me is finally back. Cause lately, after she's left, I've felt so.. incomplete. And now, I'll get to see her for 2 weeks. Hopefully, pretty often. :) Yes, Zoe meime?

Well, I found out about during French class yesterday, and at that time, I was just about to collapse with tiredness, frustration, stress, etc. She so totally made my day. :)

Anyway, one week of the awesome holidays is over, and now, I really want to get back to school. Hahah, pretty much because my French teacher has this impression that now, since most of us have vacation, we have to write an essay about it. Wth, I'm gonna die with stress. Well, my vacation has included...

  • Lots of work. I feel like such a procrastinator if I don't do work, so I took 2 LifePAC test when I went to school on thursday. :D
  • Yea, went to school on Thursday. hahaa.
  • Sleepover with Sarah and Quel. It was totally awesome, we talked for 7 hours straight.
  • My lips are about to burst with dryness. Its about the worst it has ever gotten, I feel so deprived of beautiful, moist lips probably cause I've never had them ever. I am so going to the doctors today cause at the state they are at, I wouldn't want to go out anywhere, everyone will just stare at my lips. Agh ugh, I've tried every sort of lip balm, and it just gets worse.
  • Moviess! :D I love Fireproof. Sarah practically screamed at the most scary part and cried, like I did, but I cried more when I watched it the first time.
  • I'm dreading my French test at the end of June, cause it means I won't be able to really be able to enjoy all my time with Zoe. Oh, go devastate French!
  • I feel like reading Narnia all over again, but Jon has my book. D: But, at the rate he's reading it, I'm sure I'll get it back soon.
  • OH! Jon's going to LA, California soon. I'm gonna miss him.
 But but but, my life is totally focused on Zoe's return man. Je t'aime.

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