Thursday, June 11, 2009

take a bow.

I've never been in a weirder mood. Pretty content, with a pounding headache, a very confused mind about my feelings, and still, I could jump and laugh with happiness.

I'm dying to talk to someone, as in, just informal chit-chat not serious "I need to tell you something.." sort of talk, but it's like no one's online (all at Camporama) and my sister is just in such a mood, I'll go like, "Chech.." and she'll go, "Haz, I'm trying to DO something here!" Ish. I feel like Sarah when she can't talk to anyone for the whole day, at the end, you feel like you're going to explode!

*exhales a deep sigh of relief*

I finally relieved my deep wanting to TALK by talking to Naomi. :D
 That was so ultra random, but what to do? Raquel has so totally influenced me. But I love her man. :) If, she would go for school camp, cause now she and Zoe abandoned me and I have to face the torture of school camp without them now. D: They'll be happily sleeping over at Quel's. =X Eek, so jealous.

But, I will survive the torture of school camp. Plus, it isn't even torturous, so yes, I will stop exaggerating. I'll actually be very happy when school camp is here, cause that means (1) French test is OVER! (2) Zoe is here! and (3) Jon's back from California. :D

Don't ask what's wrong with me, I'm just in such an odd state of mind currently. ;)

Well, yesterday, we went to school. 'We' as in a pitiful group consisting of Lyds, Tetsuo, Robs, Fer, and I. Saw Raquel and Ryan just before they headed off to Camporama, Raquel was in such a hyper state. She spots us, starts jumping around with her pillow and luguage saying nothing but HI! So cute!

Well, I can't wait for school to start, yet I can wait. :) I need to score ulberly badly and get more test done, can't wait for the priviledges of talking, but can wait for some particular other reasons. haha. Its gonna be busy busy till June 24th. I'm looking forward for June 25th, but not 24th. Go figure.

I have to tchiao. :D Till then.

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