Saturday, October 24, 2009

And I remember how You found me
In the very same place
All my failings surely would have drowned me
Still You made a way

Hi y'all. :) I am updating this blog for the sake of updating it, not necessarily do I want to, but because I haven't updated it since Tuesday and Joel's been begging.

Anyway, speaking of Joel. I was talking to him on MSN and thus, we started the debate of which is better, being a girl or a guy. I supported that being a guy is better and Joel supported that being a girl is better. Note how ironic it is. Its basically cause, I'm having the stomach cramps and really wishing I was a guy.

The Advantages of being a Guy (by Hazel)
#o1. You don't have to have your monthly best friend like we girls have to. Therefore, no PMS and stomach cramps.
#o2. You won't be looked down on by the opposite gender. We girls always get looked down on because guys think we're weak, over sensitive, etc.
#o3. You are better in sports.
#o4. Girls look up to you.
#o5. You don't have to wear 4 layers all the time. And when having your best friend, 5 layers. You can take of your shirt and act macho!
#o6. Guys can take stress better. And plus, they don't get as many responsibilities as girls do, partly because they aren't that responsible.
#o7. Guys are street smart.
#o8. They generally know more about cars and thus can take care of their automobile well. Also, they have a way better sense of direction (excluding Ry!)
#o9. Joel says boys are simple minded. That is a good thing! Girls minds are too complex. Guys don't have mental breakdowns like girls. Once one issue affects a girl, she blows up and gets all emotional cause it affects all the other issues of her life. Guys, however, do not have to face that. School is school. If a problem happens in school, it does not involve his family life.
#o10. Girls have to rely on guys for some particular things.
#o11. Doing the business part of the family is cool.

The Advantages of being a Girl (by Joel)
#o1. You can cry your eyeballs out without a guy saying, "Stop crying like a girl." because.. you are a girl.
#o2. Guys always seem to get into trouble but girls can slip away from it. (You see, when a boy is talking to his friends in class he'll get scolded for no apparent reason while girls can chat their heads of and get the least scolding ever.)
#o3. You don't have idiotic guy friends who purposely hit you in the wrong part and are a little bit too affectionate.. you know what I mean. (okay fine Joel, I agree with this. Guys are kinda stupid.)
#o4. Girls never need to worry about being mocked if you're a guy with no muscles and fats and you take off your shirt. Basically, because girls are not guys.
#o5. Girls are smarter academically. (I agree!)
#o6. Boys are simple minded. So when asked to write like a 3 page essay bout something, while girls can go on and on boys can only go half a page to 1 and a half pages.
#o7. Guys get proud because girls have to rely on them for some things. (So, its best that as girls, we don't have to deal with ego like guys do.)
#o8. When guys grow up, and get like families and all they have to think about finance, business for the family, whether his business will be sucessful, education for his kids. All the girls have to do is take care of the kids till they grow up... and house chores.
#o9. When a boys voice starts to crack it sounds totally retarded where as when a girls voice cracks, not everyone notices.
#o10. Girls always win. Like, I just did. (by Hazel)

 Yes, girls always win. And in the end, I am glad I'm a girl. Even if we do have less advantages. And if I did start a fight that girls actually are better, I would of won. Because, girls always win. :D

I updated, Joel. Be happy. :)

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