Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Life has those moments

Life has moments hard to describe
Feeling great and feeling alive
Never coming down from this
Mountain we're on

2nd week of school, already. The regular routine of school is slowly sinking in. New students are slowly adjusting, and I'm getting to know a few. :)

(Pstt, I really pity all the 'new kids' cause every time the supervisors or Mr Fan addresses then as one big group, classified as the 'new students'.)

Currently, I'm working on a short story for my LA assignment. Its going.. good, I guess. The plot is really kinda lame, and its longing like a novel instead of a short story. =.0 Typical story line.

I have lost all clues at why I am updating my site. Have you ever read such a SMOOTH blog post ever. Its like randomly skipping around to every subject on planet earth.

Oh, that reminds me. I was planning on taking Health and Health Quest as my next elective after Art. But now I'm considering Essentials of Communication. Sounds good eh? At least it won't be as easy basic as Health and Health Quest. My RM13 on each book shall be productively spent. :)

Well, since I haven't posted pictures since a century, here comes the pictures from Maxwell Hill and last Friday & Saturday.

Maxwell Hill - December 27th to 29th;

Rustic old swing seat

Slumber with Melissa - January 8th to 9th;

Ry is an awesome photographer. :D

I find this picture extreme sweet, somehow. :)

Jump shots! Like, number 100th. ;P

Group shot on Friday.

Group shot on Saturday. :)

I have uploading pictures on blogger/wordpress. Its extremely stressful. Thank gosh I'm done. Hahah. Enjoy. :)

OH, forgive the irregular sizes of the pictures. Its really hard to get like, a standard size. :\

P/s. I found my next adorable, cutie pie, of the year (?). DENISSS! :D

Brian Adams Everything I do, I do it for you

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