Monday, March 8, 2010

the things of life

#o1. Currently munching a Slim Jim, zomg! SO GOOD.

#o2. These days I've been getting fatter and fatter due to the extreme amounts of candy I have consumed. :D I think that's a positive thing, since I'm SO darn skinny. Laffy Taffy, Airheads, Jelly Beans, Beef Jerky. TWIZZLERS.

#o3. Today I took History 1003 LPT. It was said to be a very hard test according to my sister and Kathryn. The book was hard! So much information all cramped into 4 sections. Well, anyway! I GOT 96%! SO HAPPY.

#o4. Tomorrow I have an Art LPT. I hate Art LPTs. They're so hard. This one is about calligraphy. Calligraphy is the art of creating beautiful letterings. =___=

#o5. I need to get another piece of the giant Slim Jim.

#o6. Nomnom. Mmm.

#o7. Did I mention that I'm gonna be SO busy for this year? Its my last year in GRC so I definitely want to be in the Camp committee for this year. Plus, DOE, Sports Day, Next Degree - we want to start Bible studies too! :O

#o8. Where is 'rescue' when you need it? HAHA.

#o9. What a pointless post.

#o10. I need to indulge in more pieces of Slim Jim.

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