Thursday, August 26, 2010

little "tips"

I decided to just post a short one, since this is absolutely lame. I'm reading Up Your Score by Six Kids who Aced the SAT. Its... helpful? In a way. (I'm trusting its what made my sister get a 2350.)

Here's a method for you:

"The clothes you wear on the test day are very important. If the test is on a rainy day, wear a raincoat. However, if the test is on a day when the Red Sox are playing at home, wear two pairs of socks. If there has been an earthquake during the past week anywhere in Canada, make sure you wear a blindfold during the test (you can take it off during the breaks). Follow these rules, and you are destined to score well."

I like the Red Sox part. HAHA. :) Well, here's to 5-days-long weekend filled with staying at home, studying, looking for more colleges... did I mention staying at home? I'm not complaining, home beats school by far. Its just that I'm already bedridden to my wonderful house for the entire month of October, does it look like I need a 5 days break? ;) I cannot wait for june/july of next year. :D

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