Tuesday, September 7, 2010


"Everything is permissible"—but not everything is beneficial. "Everything is permissible"—but not everything is constructive.
Nobody should seek his own good, but the good of others.

1 Corinthians 10:23-24

Stumbled upon this verse today while doing Bible. I've been meaning to search up this verse a while ago, but today I happened to find it without even looking. I had no idea it was the verse right before our SOAR 2010 Camp Theme Verse.

Well, its pretty straight forward and square. We can do anything we want, there may be rules, but no one can actually stop you. The simple point here is simply, not everything we do will help us. I don't know about you, but I don't want to waste my time doing something that doesn't even benefit you.

Anyway, my holidays are doing good. Right now I'm listening to a sermon by my old time favorite pastor, Pastor Jeff Tarbox. Its entitled, "In the Face of Greatness." Really good. When you have time, you should really try listening to sermons. Grap some chips, hit the couch, and you'll have no idea how easy it is to concentrate and get something out of it. (Not all pastors are as boring as it gets on certain Sundays) :P

P/s. I was looking through some old pictures and my goodness, memories totally flood in. I really really want to post up pictures of Matthew in a bikini and Lyd covered with flour - but I shall resist, before I get slaughtered later on. HAHA.

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