Daniel is beyond the world's definition of cheeky. ♥
So I just came back from Fraser's Hill, and I tell you, I hate windy roads. It made me feel so sick I threw up into this plastic bag that had holes in it, and yea. It wasn't pleasant. D: You imagine for yourself. Use your little brain that is probably on the process of rotting ever since school holidays started.
To start off, I haven't gotten bored yet so that is a pretty big accomplishment.
And you should be proud of me, I haven't done work for like, 5 days. :)
Anyway, Fraser's Hill was pretty fun. We stayed in a friend's apartment, okay take that back, in a friend's apartment
s. They have two that are in the same complex, just different floors. So my sister and I slept in one and went to the other one to eat and all. I was in the other one most of the time, because my life basically revolves around eating 24/7. :P
This is. what. happened.
Sunday. We walked to the waterfall and it was at least a 12km walk. I was soooo exhausted.
Monday. We went for tea at this smokehouse, and after that... walking back, we got caught in the rain. It was pouring cats and dogs and my sister and I were running like madman.
Tuesday. I got carsick.
Is that not eventful or what. Plus, I indulged myself in movies.

Free Willy - Love love okras. They are so loyal and kind. Since the plot is rather like the Animal Ark series (and I love Animal Ark), I'll give this a 7.5/10.

You Got Mail - typical plot. It got so long-winded I was like, "Hurry up and admit already!" 5.5/10.

River Wild - I tell you, it was so intense I sat for 30 minutes after the movie trying to recover my senses. Yes, my tolerance for drama is very low. I'd give this a 6/10.

Pride and Prejudice - Watched this again. Love love love it. Love the book like crazy too. "Sometimes the last person on earth you want to be with is the one person you can't be without." Jane Austen is such a hero. 9/10.

The Prince and the Pauper - old classic. It has a beautiful moral. Amazing how adults just don't believe the children even when they are being perfectly honest. 8/10.
Ready for the pictures?
On Sunday, we had a little "photo-shoot". Put on our sundresses, and headed off for a walk. :)

We passed these gallow thingy-ma-jiggs that scared the nerves out of me. D:

And yes, I have an obsession about lampposts. ♥
It reminds me of Narniaaa. :)

On Monday, we headed off to the smokehouse. They have amazing scones and strawberry preserve. And the tea was really good. :D I loved the setup though.

Pretty, I knowww. :)
And this morning, my sister made me.....

A teddybear-shaped pancake! Nomnom. ♥
(which I threw up on the way down)
So that's what I've been doing the last 4 days of my holidays. I'm definitely thinking of going to 1u one of these days and make the most out of the Padini Sale they're having. :) Next Saturday (or more like early Sunday morning), I'll be watching England vs. USA in the World Cup, go USA all the way. (Although England will most probably win.) I'm looking forward to July 8th when The Last Song finally comes out in Malaysia. I have plenty of things to keep me occupied, not to mention school work.
Oh, and on a random note, the amount of people who visit my blog has diminished greatly. I am heartbroken. :P Haha. And c'mon peoples, you very well see the LEAVE A COMMENT button below, don't you now?
That was a long post. Till later, have a supercalifragilisticexpialidocious 12 days till the end of the holidays. :)